Just Goofin



My extra curricular activities

A. I wanted to make sure one of my closts friends’ birthday was super special this year. I played off of her nostalgic love for the ‘I Love Lucy’ to throw a surprise dinner party with themed invites and party favors! Original concepting began with the classic ‘I Love Lucy’ logo personalized for my friend.

B. A few iterations of the party invites. I wanted to play with modern color palettes and trending shapes while still incorporating the vintage feel of the nostalgic tv show.

C. I can’t tell you how excited I was to receive these pins! I was able to find a company that took my design and printed it unto pins for all of my party guests to wear and surprise Lauren with.



A. When I got laid off in between Thanksgiving and Christmas I was too broke to get my partner something nice so I made these prints of one of my favorite songs “Snooze” by SZA, mimicking a blockbuster movie poster with the Scarface scenes referenced in the song.

B. As seen above, I was invited to participate in a National Women’s Day initiative! (Tip: click the link to check out the article)

I Love Lauren